Is Brick-and-Mortar Banking Dying? New ForeSee Results Study

Banking has gone digital, but have customers taken the bait? Online vs. offline banking customer satisfaction levels are examined in ForeSee Results’ recently released U.S. 2011 Online Banking Study. In this exclusive NEXTcast interview, CEO and report author Larry Freed breaks down the findings and reveals whether major financial institutions or credit unions came out ahead.

More from ForeSee Results: Explosion in Mobile Provides Opportunity for Retailers


As president and CEO of ForeSee Results, Larry Freed is an expert on customer satisfaction and authors dozens of research papers and reports on the subject every year.

Larry speaks extensively on the topic at private and public sector industry events and has been quoted in numerous publications and media, including CNN, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, New York Times, Investor’s Business Daily, Internet Retailer, Internet Retailing, Multichannel Merchant, DM News, Computerworld, Federal Computer Week and Government Executive, among many others.