Wacom Offers Digital Signature For Spanish Banks

Wacom, the digital pen and tablet manufacturer has been saving time for thousands of customers of Spain’s Confederation of Saving Banks (CECA). The manufacturer was at Cartes 2012 showcasing the biometric digital signature solution it has been providing these banks with since 2009. Today, virtually all documents signed by the group of banks’ customers is done via Wacom’s technology – that is over 200 million documents signed since it was implemented.

Banking has become the manufacturer’s main area of development since 2008 and currently there are two million signatures being performed daily in Europe using Wacom’s technology.

According to CECA’s representative, also present at Cartes, digital signatures have contributed to safer transactions and have lessened direct and indirect costs for banks. The customer’s biometric data and signature are recorded through a tablet and then stored for future authentication.

Wacom has also provided this service to other European banks. The Berliner Sparkasse savings bank in Germany registered savings of €1.5 for each document that no longer needs to be processed through paper. The company hopes that digitalized signatures can become a standard in European banking and finance.