
Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California, that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services. It is considered one of the Big Four tech companies along with Amazon, Google, and Facebook.


Apple Shuts Down Russian E-Sales Due to Ruble
Apple Shuts Down Russian E-Sales Due to Ruble
December 17, 2014  |  Europe

Apple took the unusual move Tuesday (Nov. 16) of shutting down all of its online sales in Russia due to what Apple said were “extreme”...

Citi Worked With Apple And IBM On Bank Enterprise Suite
Citi Worked With Apple And IBM On Bank Enterprise Suite
December 11, 2014  |  Merchant Innovation

In the latest attempt at an IBM-Apple product marriage, the two companies on Wednesday (Dec. 10) unveiled IBM MobileFirst, an iOS enterprise app package that,...

Alipay Fingerprint Announcement Moves It Closer To An Apple Pay Deal
Alipay Fingerprint Announcement Moves It Closer To An Apple Pay Deal
December 11, 2014  |  Apple Pay

The prospect of an Apple Pay Alibaba deal got a lot more likely on Tuesday (Dec. 9) when Alibaba’s Alipay payments unit said that it...

Apple’s Too-Good Recovery Key Security
Apple’s Too-Good Recovery Key Security
December 10, 2014  |  News

As systems get secure, the biggest fear of many end-users is that they will be inadvertently locked out. The lack of human override capability can...

Securing Payments For The Holidays
Securing Payments For The Holidays
December 04, 2014  |  Apple Pay

In the military, there is a concept called acceptable losses and it, candidly, calculates how many of your fighters are likely to be killed under...

Stripe Valuation Hits $3.5 Billion
Stripe Valuation Hits $3.5 Billion
December 03, 2014  |  Apple Pay

Online payments vendor Stripe on Monday (Dec. 1) is seeing its valuation double in less than a year, to $3.5 billion, after it closed a...

What Really Happened On Black Friday (By The Numbers)
What Really Happened On Black Friday (By The Numbers)
December 01, 2014  |  Controversial

The official kick-off the holiday shopping season, Thanksgiving,  Black Friday (and Small Business Saturday, and “Needs A Marketing Guru To Name It” Sunday represent what...