B2B Payments

The highly complex payments processes and networks that power $120 trillion in payments flows that move between businesses globally each year. The B2B Payments ecosystem is undergoing a massive digital transformation as corporates move away from paper-based processes and payments methods to digital workflows that more efficiently move money and data between trading partners. These efficiencies give corporates more visibility into their cash position across their supply chain and innovations in accounts payments and receivables are helping buyers and suppliers to align on payments terms and trade credit.
Antuit Tackles Supply Chain Innovation in Singapore
Antuit Tackles Supply Chain Innovation in Singapore
March 16, 2015  |  B2B Payments

As business-to-business operations become more technologically savvy within their operations, B2B solutions providers must also create up-to-date services for buyers and suppliers. Managing the supply...

UK Treasury Downplays the Alt-Lending Hype
UK Treasury Downplays the Alt-Lending Hype
March 16, 2015  |  B2B Payments

The chatter surrounding the rise of alternative lenders hasn’t come close to quieting down. Viewed by many as the chance for small businesses to gain...

Mexico’s E-Procurement Plan Hampered by Delays
Mexico’s E-Procurement Plan Hampered by Delays
March 16, 2015  |  B2B Payments

Mexico is working to become the latest nation to implement digital procurement strategies, a move studies show decreases wasted tax dollars and encourages private sector...

Weifa Decides To Separate Its B2B Pharma Unit
Weifa Decides To Separate Its B2B Pharma Unit
March 16, 2015  |  B2B Payments

Norway-based pharmaceutical firm and ingredient supplier Weifa is looking to overhaul its operations, and new plans will likely lead the company to separate entirely from...

Progress for Female-Fronted SMEs
Progress for Female-Fronted SMEs
March 13, 2015  |  B2B Payments

New statistics have emerged that suggest significant progress and growth among the female-led small business community. According to reports, credit marketplace Biz2Credit released its latest...