B2B Payments

The highly complex payments processes and networks that power $120 trillion in payments flows that move between businesses globally each year. The B2B Payments ecosystem is undergoing a massive digital transformation as corporates move away from paper-based processes and payments methods to digital workflows that more efficiently move money and data between trading partners. These efficiencies give corporates more visibility into their cash position across their supply chain and innovations in accounts payments and receivables are helping buyers and suppliers to align on payments terms and trade credit.
Madison Logic Buys B2B Ad Network
Madison Logic Buys B2B Ad Network
March 03, 2015  |  B2B Payments

Business-to-business competitors now realize the importance of marketing when it was once thought to be crucial only in B2C commerce. But as it turns out,...

CDFI Network Targets Women, Minorities for SME Loans
CDFI Network Targets Women, Minorities for SME Loans
March 03, 2015  |  B2B Payments

Amid a stock market downturn and spiking interest rates, Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) flourished. But with the rise of alternative lenders, reports say CDFIs...