How CFOs Are Trading Reactive for Proactive Reporting Strategies
How CFOs Are Trading Reactive for Proactive Reporting Strategies
June 13, 2023  |  CFO

Long gone are the days when Excel and PowerPoint ruled supreme in the CFO office. That’s because in today’s fast-paced and hyper-connected operating environment, future-fit...

Today’s CFO Needs to Be a ‘Different Kind of Leader,’ NextRoll Says
Today’s CFO Needs to Be a ‘Different Kind of Leader,’ NextRoll Says
June 07, 2023  |  CFO

Add managing for the macroclimate to the ever-growing task list of leading chief financial officers. “I wake up thinking about this, and I go to bed...

FIGS CFO Offers Advice on Navigating Volatile Times: Manage What You Can Control
FIGS CFO Offers Advice on Navigating Volatile Times: Manage What You Can Control
June 06, 2023  |  CFO

Amid today’s hostile macroclimate, the CFO role has taken on increased importance. Daniella Turenshine, chief financial officer at direct-to-consumer (DTC) healthcare apparel and lifestyle brand FIGS,...

New AI Tools Mean Finance Teams Can Fine-Tune Company Engine
New AI Tools Mean Finance Teams Can Fine-Tune Company Engine
June 06, 2023  |  B2B Payments

The path to the chief financial officer seat is getting wider as the role’s responsibilities transform. Given the growing accountant shortage, this is a good thing, but it...

CFOs Learn That Uncertainty Is the Only Certainty in 2023
CFOs Learn That Uncertainty Is the Only Certainty in 2023
June 06, 2023  |  B2B Payments

As the saying goes, failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Nowhere is Benjamin Franklin’s aphorism truer than in the finance department. Ongoing geopolitical and...

How AI Co-Pilots Can Future-Proof the CFO Office 
How AI Co-Pilots Can Future-Proof the CFO Office 
June 05, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

Today’s challenging macro environment requires organizations, and their CFOs, to be both nimble and intelligent. That’s because unpredictable market conditions have made it essential for finance leaders...

Today’s Macroclimate Calls for Controlling What’s Controllable
Today’s Macroclimate Calls for Controlling What’s Controllable
May 25, 2023  |  CFO

The uniquely contemporary challenges of today’s macroclimate are transforming the finance department. Among historic levels of inflation, rising interest rates, dwindling access to financing, and...

Overcoming Institutional Inertia Among CFO’s Biggest Challenges
Overcoming Institutional Inertia Among CFO’s Biggest Challenges
May 23, 2023  |  CFO

Today’s new macroenvironment has brought with it new responsibilities for finance leaders. Still, no matter the landscape, one of the principal roles of the chief...

Wise CFO Resigns to Focus on Healing After Bike Crash
Wise CFO Resigns to Focus on Healing After Bike Crash
May 22, 2023  |  Personnel

The chief financial officer of money transfer firm Wise is stepping down following a bicycle accident last year. Matthew Briers, who has served as the British company’s CFO for...