Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

CFPB Handles 20,000 Consumer Complaints Per Week
CFPB Handles 20,000 Consumer Complaints Per Week
November 30, 2023  |  CFPB

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) sends 20,000 complaints to companies for responses every week. “I am proud of the CFPB’s work in getting consumers...

Rep. Patrick McHenry Says CFPB Vilifies Financial Services Industry
Rep. Patrick McHenry Says CFPB Vilifies Financial Services Industry
November 29, 2023  |  Regulation

House Financial Services Committee (HFSC) Chairman Patrick McHenry of North Carolina said Wednesday (Nov. 29) the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is serving as a...

CFPB Fines Bank of America Over Mortgage Lending Data Submissions
CFPB Fines Bank of America Over Mortgage Lending Data Submissions
November 28, 2023  |  CFPB

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ordered Bank of America to pay $12 million for submitting incomplete mortgage lending data to the federal government. Hundreds...

CFPB Fines Toyota Motor Credit $60 Million for Illegal Practices
CFPB Fines Toyota Motor Credit $60 Million for Illegal Practices
November 20, 2023  |  CFPB

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ordered Toyota Motor Credit to pay a $60 million fine for engaging in illegal lending practices and credit reporting...

CFPB Data on Medical Bill Complaints Underscores Need for Flexible Financing
CFPB Data on Medical Bill Complaints Underscores Need for Flexible Financing
November 20, 2023  |  Healthcare Financing

Missed payments. Billings made in error. Bills in collection, resulting in only partial payments or none at all. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau shared data...

CFPB: Medical Bills Account for 15% of Consumer Complaints
CFPB: Medical Bills Account for 15% of Consumer Complaints
November 16, 2023  |  CFPB

American consumers are routinely hounded over medical bills they don’t even owe. That’s according to a new report issued Thursday (Nov. 16) by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB),...

CFPB Bans Enova From Offering Certain Consumer Loans
CFPB Bans Enova From Offering Certain Consumer Loans
November 15, 2023  |  CFPB

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has ordered online lender Enova International to pay a $15 million penalty, banned it from offering certain consumer loans...

CFPB’s New Rules Target 13 Billion Big Tech App and Digital Wallet Transactions
CFPB’s New Rules Target 13 Billion Big Tech App and Digital Wallet Transactions
November 08, 2023  |  Regulation

Will new rules governing digital wallets and apps blunt Big Tech innovations — or put desperately needed guardrails in place? The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s...

Fiserv: Collaboration and Communication Help FIs and FinTechs Navigate Uncertain Regulatory Landscape
Fiserv: Collaboration and Communication Help FIs and FinTechs Navigate Uncertain Regulatory Landscape
November 02, 2023  |  Regulation

The steady drumbeat of legislation and regulation echoes through federal buildings in Washington, D.C. and through state capitols across the country.  Kim Ford, senior vice...