credit unions

Credit union, a type of financial institution similar to a commercial bank, is a member-owned financial cooperative, controlled by its members and operated on a not-for-profit basis.


Nearly 70% of Consumers Prioritize Trust Over Convenience When Choosing a Bank
Nearly 70% of Consumers Prioritize Trust Over Convenience When Choosing a Bank
September 13, 2023  |  Banking

In the retail banking industry, convenience and trust are two pivotal elements that significantly influence customer satisfaction and the acquisition of new customers. In the...

Large National Banks Hold the Advantage When Main Street SMBs Shop for Credit
Large National Banks Hold the Advantage When Main Street SMBs Shop for Credit
September 08, 2023  |  SMBs

Access to business financing is crucial for Main Street small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). But while a significant share of these small businesses across all...

PYMNTS Intelligence: Countering Rising Fraud Threats to CUs
PYMNTS Intelligence: Countering Rising Fraud Threats to CUs
September 07, 2023  |  Digital Banking

Fraud attacks against banks and credit unions (CUs) are nothing new, but consumers are taking them much more seriously than they used to. A study...

Why It’s Time for Credit Unions to ‘Double Down’ on Innovation
Why It’s Time for Credit Unions to ‘Double Down’ on Innovation
September 07, 2023  |  Innovation

Two heads are frequently better than one, and good things often come in pairs. That could be why, when Brian Scott, chief growth officer at credit...

Credit Unions Counter the Growing Risk of AI Fraud
Credit Unions Counter the Growing Risk of AI Fraud
September 06, 2023  |  Digital Banking

Digital banking has become the primary way many members engage with their credit unions. These interactions are typically quicker and more convenient than traveling to...

Neches Credit Union Picks PSCU For Credit Card Support
Neches Credit Union Picks PSCU For Credit Card Support
August 22, 2023  |  Credit Unions

Neches Federal Credit Union has picked PSCU for credit card processing services and support. PSCU, a credit union service organization, announced the partnership in a news release provided...

Credit Unions Can Be the Online ‘Influencers’ Guiding Younger Consumers to Financial Wellness
Credit Unions Can Be the Online ‘Influencers’ Guiding Younger Consumers to Financial Wellness
August 21, 2023  |  Credit Unions

PSCU Chief Growth Officer Brian Scott told PYMNTS that younger generations are more challenged than their older peers. “They just have not had the same amount of time...

Juniper Payments: FedNow Can Spur Credit Unions to ‘Reimagine’ Financial Services
Juniper Payments: FedNow Can Spur Credit Unions to ‘Reimagine’ Financial Services
August 16, 2023  |  Real-Time Payments

Only a few weeks after launching in July, the FedNow Service promises to help transform payments, commerce and banking. But as Dr. Jorge Jimenez, president of Juniper Payments, a PSCU company,...

One-Third of Credit Union Members Would Leave for Better Credit Products
One-Third of Credit Union Members Would Leave for Better Credit Products
August 14, 2023  |  Credit Unions

Consumers in the United States rely less on their primary financial institution (FI) for major credit products than they used to. Many are shopping around...