Data Dive

A DataDive is an all-weekend event with lots of people, computers, and coffee. Non-profits bring their data and their problems or questions, data scientists bring the expertise to answer the questions and solve the problems.


EMV Frustrates, Salesforce Acquires Big And Hackers Hit Hotels
EMV Frustrates, Salesforce Acquires Big And Hackers Hit Hotels
January 04, 2016  |  EMV

Welcome back, and happy 2016. At this point, the last of the champagne bottle has been drained, and it’s time to get back to work...

Payments Gets Contextual, A Push From Google And A Miss With EMV
Payments Gets Contextual, A Push From Google And A Miss With EMV
December 21, 2015  |  Payment Methods

It is no longer “beginning to a look a lot like Christmas” so much as it looks entirely like Christmas everywhere you turn — a...

Data Dive: Amex’s Advantage, J.Crew’s Falter, First Data’s Hiccup
Data Dive: Amex’s Advantage, J.Crew’s Falter, First Data’s Hiccup
December 14, 2015  |  Merchant Innovation

There are any number of reasons to come into the work week a little hazy on what exactly went on in the seven days immediately...

eComm Stocks Slide, Bankers Go Bonkers For Blockchain And Digital Payments Dominate
eComm Stocks Slide, Bankers Go Bonkers For Blockchain And Digital Payments Dominate
October 12, 2015  |  Controversial

Americans hit the road en masse this weekend. A little-known fact is that Columbus Day is actually the second most road traffic-producing holiday of the...