data security

Data security means protecting digital data, such as those in a database, from destructive forces and from the unwanted actions of unauthorized users, such as a cyberattack or a data breach.


Yes, Compliance Can Improve Merchant Productivity
Yes, Compliance Can Improve Merchant Productivity
July 22, 2015  |  Merchant Innovation

Yes, achieving PCI SSC compliance is a complex process filled with in-depth requirements and rigorous standards. But Optimal Payments has broken it all down into...

Security’s Less Than Stellar Week
Security’s Less Than Stellar Week
June 19, 2015  |  Apple Pay

It is hard to say enough good things about human ingenuity — written language, currency, flight, space travel and pocket-sized supercomputers all exist because someone...

Stolen, Unencrypted Laptop Leads To US HealthWorks Data Breach
Stolen, Unencrypted Laptop Leads To US HealthWorks Data Breach
June 03, 2015  |  News

U.S. HealthWorks, a California-based health care service provider specializing in urgent care and occupational medicine, recently alerted employees to a data breach after a password...

Retailers To Senators: Don’t Hit Us With Bank-Style Security Rules
Retailers To Senators: Don’t Hit Us With Bank-Style Security Rules
March 18, 2015  |  News

Banking data-security regulations would be a “poor fit” for retailers and other businesses that accept payment cards, the National Retail Federation said in a letter...