Digital Technology

Banks Lack Faith In Tech Giants’ Trade Finance Ambitions
Banks Lack Faith In Tech Giants’ Trade Finance Ambitions
January 16, 2019  |  B2B Payments

Amid a global market with a massive lack of trade finance accessibility, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) recently found that banks are growing more bullish...

With New Microsoft Partnership, Is Kroger Digging In Against Amazon?
With New Microsoft Partnership, Is Kroger Digging In Against Amazon?
January 08, 2019  |  Retail

As grocers fight for survival and dominance in the age of Amazon, Kroger is testing connected devices with the help of Microsoft. The retailer plans to pilot technology...

US Commerce Dept Eyes AI Export Reg
US Commerce Dept Eyes AI Export Reg
January 02, 2019  |  Regulation

New technologies face numerous tests that go beyond whether they work. Will consumers use them for daily or near-daily tasks? Are there pragmatic business models...

Olympic Store Debuts On Tmall
Olympic Store Debuts On Tmall
December 17, 2018  |  Retail

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Alibaba Group have announced the launch of the first-ever Olympic store on China’s Tmall. “We are delighted to launch our...

From Appliance Repair To DIY Commerce Platform
From Appliance Repair To DIY Commerce Platform
December 06, 2018  |  Retail

It was usually a weekend joy or an after-work nightmare for the person assigned the task: fixing the broken washing machine or refrigerator, figuring out...

Insurance Firms Cozy Up To Wearables And Fitness Tracking Tech
Insurance Firms Cozy Up To Wearables And Fitness Tracking Tech
November 05, 2018  |  Healthcare

Digital technology and the data that consumers are willing to provide are giving insurance agents a closer look at the day-to-day habits of individuals, with...

Who’s Grabbing The Consumer’s Share Of Stomach?
Who’s Grabbing The Consumer’s Share Of Stomach?
October 25, 2018  |  Commerce Connected

It’s OK to admit it: The grocery and food business was once rather boring. Sure, people cannot live without food, but acquiring that nutritional energy...

Digital Healthcare Faces Hurdles, But The Push Continues
Digital Healthcare Faces Hurdles, But The Push Continues
September 04, 2018  |  Healthcare

Digital technology is changing healthcare, from recordkeeping to disbursements, but the move away from analog is a journey that involves significant hurdles. Consider the ongoing...

How Millennial Drivers Are Changing Automotive Practices
How Millennial Drivers Are Changing Automotive Practices
July 09, 2018  |  Ecosystems

Will younger consumers ever know the unique joy of learning to drive on a gas-guzzling Detroit beater — one of those big cars that were more...