digital transformation

AI Use at Walmart Boosts eCommerce Numbers
AI Use at Walmart Boosts eCommerce Numbers
July 12, 2017  |  Retail

Brick-and-mortar stores are dropping like flies, but one chain is not going down without a fight. By integrating machine learning into its operations, Walmart is...

Making Connected Car Data Monetizable
Making Connected Car Data Monetizable
July 12, 2017  |  Big Data

The average car generates gigabytes of data already — between the engine, infotainment and other computerized systems. And that is only today — before the addition of...

Google And AI: The Perfect PAIR?
Google And AI: The Perfect PAIR?
July 11, 2017  |  Google

Speech recognition, image search, translation — those are just the beginning for artificial intelligence, if Google is reading its pulse right. While machines are getting better...

Mizuho Makes Progress In Blockchain Trade Finance Initiative
Mizuho Makes Progress In Blockchain Trade Finance Initiative
July 10, 2017  |  B2B Payments

Japan’s Mizuho Bank is moving forward with plans to use blockchain for trade finance. The bank said Friday (July 7) that it has completed its...

AI/BOT: Where Do Chatbots Go From Here?
AI/BOT: Where Do Chatbots Go From Here?
July 06, 2017  |  Chatbots And Commerce

Within the past year, Facebook’s Messenger has been responsible for the boom in chatbot growth. With more than 100,000 businesses creating interactive company chatbots, it...

Previse Lands $2.58M For AI-Powered Invoice Financing Platform
Previse Lands $2.58M For AI-Powered Invoice Financing Platform
July 06, 2017  |  B2B Payments

U.K. startup Previse, an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered invoice financing platform, has announced new seed funding. Recent reports said Previse raised $2.58 million in funding from Hambro Perks,...

How Tech Can Help Uncover The Story Behind Financial Data
How Tech Can Help Uncover The Story Behind Financial Data
July 05, 2017  |  B2B Payments

For a chief financial officer (CFO), having technology — from ERP systems to cloud accounting and cash forecasting tools — has become paramount when deploying...

Sage Accounting Chat Bot Lands In Canada
Sage Accounting Chat Bot Lands In Canada
June 30, 2017  |  B2B Payments

Sage‘s accounting chat bot is expanding. The company said this week that its AI-powered chat bot, Pegg, will be available to companies in Canada next...

RegTech And AI Tackle The Maddening Hurdle Of Conflicting Financial Policies
RegTech And AI Tackle The Maddening Hurdle Of Conflicting Financial Policies
June 29, 2017  |  B2B Payments

Regulation has historically been a challenge for the financial services space, but considering today’s fast pace of change in both financial services innovation and regulation,...