embedded finance

APIs Unlock Financing For Underserved SMBs
APIs Unlock Financing For Underserved SMBs
July 20, 2021  |  B2B Payments

Open banking-fueled FinTech solutions continue to explore more pain points to solve for businesses. This week’s look at the latest in Open Banking and bank-FinTech...

Embedded Finance Narrows The Gap Between Brazil’s Small Business And Capital
Embedded Finance Narrows The Gap Between Brazil’s Small Business And Capital
July 19, 2021  |  B2B Payments

Underbanked small businesses around the globe have seen technology come to the rescue. FinTechs continue to step onto the scene to provide alternative financial services...

Funded FinTechs Look To Get More Capital In The Hands Of SMBs
Funded FinTechs Look To Get More Capital In The Hands Of SMBs
July 16, 2021  |  B2B Payments

Whether through embedded lending, small business credit cards or trade finance portals, this week’s newly funded B2B FinTechs are largely looking to get more capital...

Small Business Lenders Find New Paths To A Funding Bounce Back
Small Business Lenders Find New Paths To A Funding Bounce Back
June 03, 2021  |  B2B Payments

The small business lending arena saw a flash of innovation towards the latter end of the aughts, fueled by a pullback from big bank lenders...

Data Progresses SMB Finance Beyond The Legacy Business Credit Score
Data Progresses SMB Finance Beyond The Legacy Business Credit Score
March 12, 2021  |  B2B Payments

In an extraordinary display of resiliency, small businesses in the U.S. are quite optimistic, despite all the turmoil of the last year. Even as small...

Embedded Finance Targets The Small Recruiting Business Niche
Embedded Finance Targets The Small Recruiting Business Niche
February 24, 2021  |  B2B Payments

Small businesses, which collectively form the foundation of the U.S. economy, continue to wade through market volatility, many with dwindling chances of survival. It’s a...