
M1 Finance FinRA Fine Highlights Regulators’ Move to Tighten Grip on ‘Finfluencers’
M1 Finance FinRA Fine Highlights Regulators’ Move to Tighten Grip on ‘Finfluencers’
March 19, 2024  |  Regulation

Social media platforms like TikTok have transformed into vital sources of financial information, particularly for millennials and Gen Zs, with nearly 80% of these demographics seeking advice...

‘Finfluencers’ Come Under Fire Amid New Social Media Controversy
‘Finfluencers’ Come Under Fire Amid New Social Media Controversy
March 19, 2024  |  Personal Finance

Social media is very much under the microscope lately due to the controversy surrounding a potential TikTok ban and various cases regarding its regulation in front of the...

FinTech Tools Help Teens Build Credit Amid Increase in Social Media Financial Influencers
FinTech Tools Help Teens Build Credit Amid Increase in Social Media Financial Influencers
October 23, 2023  |  Personal Finance

In a world where children and teenagers often grow up surrounded by screens and smartphones, a new breed of companies, particularly FinTech firms, is using...