Fraud Prevention

Amazon, Microsoft and India Authorities Crack Down on Impersonation Scams
Amazon, Microsoft and India Authorities Crack Down on Impersonation Scams
October 20, 2023  |  Security & Fraud

Amazon and Microsoft have joined forces to protect consumers from impersonation scams, marking the first time these industry leaders have collaborated to combat tech support...

J.P. Morgan Payments Selects Trulioo for Identity Verification Services
J.P. Morgan Payments Selects Trulioo for Identity Verification Services
October 19, 2023  |  Security & Fraud

J.P. Morgan Payments has chosen Trulioo, a leading identity verification platform, to combat fraud and other financial crimes for its clients, according to an announcement...

Galileo Aims to Combat Fraud With Payment Risk Platform
Galileo Aims to Combat Fraud With Payment Risk Platform
October 19, 2023  |  Security & Fraud

Galileo Financial Technologies has unveiled its Payment Risk Platform to help combat fraud. The tool, announced Thursday (Oct. 19), is a “holistic fraud engine” offering real-time payment...

NymCard Teams With ACI Worldwide to Fight Financial Fraud
NymCard Teams With ACI Worldwide to Fight Financial Fraud
October 19, 2023  |  Fraud Prevention

Middle East/North Africa-focused card issuer NymCard has teamed with ACI Worldwide to combat fraud. The partnership, announced late Wednesday (Oct. 18) sees NymCard enhancing its fraud platform with ACI Fraud Management...

Entersekt Launches Authentication Solution for Mobile Banking Apps
Entersekt Launches Authentication Solution for Mobile Banking Apps
October 18, 2023  |  Security & Fraud

Entersekt, a leading provider of authentication solutions, announced Wednesday (Oct. 18) the launch of a fully integrated mobile application authentication solution for financial institutions (FIs),...

Banks Combine AI and Communication to Combat the Rising Threat of Payment Fraud
Banks Combine AI and Communication to Combat the Rising Threat of Payment Fraud
October 16, 2023  |  Security & Fraud

With the rise of digital transactions and online services, fraud has become an increasing concern for both consumers and businesses. In March 2023, for example,...

Jack Henry Debuts Defense Against Money Laundering
Jack Henry Debuts Defense Against Money Laundering
October 16, 2023  |  AML

FinTech company Jack Henry has introduced a new tool to help banks combat fraud. The firm’s Financial Crimes Defender, announced Monday (Oct. 16), is a cloud-native, real-time fraud...

RBI Fines Paytm Payments Bank for KYC Violations
RBI Fines Paytm Payments Bank for KYC Violations
October 12, 2023  |  Regulation

India’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), has fined Paytm Payments Bank for non-compliance, including Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations, according to an...

Combining Old and Newer Technologies Helps Banks Fight Rising Fraud
Combining Old and Newer Technologies Helps Banks Fight Rising Fraud
October 09, 2023  |  Fraud Prevention

Fraud has surged at an unsettling pace in recent years, with young consumers and financially strained individuals being disproportionately targeted by bad actors. This is...