Liquidity in Digital Asset Market Remains Low
Liquidity in Digital Asset Market Remains Low
October 03, 2023  |  Cryptocurrency

The liquidity in the digital asset market is reportedly about half of what it was at the time the crypto exchange FTX collapsed about a...

Bankman-Fried’s Defense Seeks to Block Prosecutors From Calling FTX Witnesses
Bankman-Fried’s Defense Seeks to Block Prosecutors From Calling FTX Witnesses
October 03, 2023  |  Legal

The criminal trial of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried started Tuesday (Oct. 3). Things kicked off at 9:30 a.m. at a Lower Manhattan federal court with...

Do Bankman-Fried Jurors Need Crypto Knowledge to Decide Case?
Do Bankman-Fried Jurors Need Crypto Knowledge to Decide Case?
October 03, 2023  |  Legal

Jurors in FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried’s trial may not be familiar with cryptocurrencies. And as The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Tuesday (Oct. 3), that lack of knowledge...

FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried Rose and Fell, Now Comes His Reckoning 
FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried Rose and Fell, Now Comes His Reckoning 
October 02, 2023  |  Legal

It took around five days for the cryptocurrency exchange FTX to implode last November. It will take around five or six weeks for the founder...

Bankman-Fried’s Friends May Be Key to Criminal Trial
Bankman-Fried’s Friends May Be Key to Criminal Trial
October 02, 2023  |  Legal

While the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has precluded the testimony of all of accused crypto fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried’s seven witnesses in his imminent trial,...

Report: Bankman-Fried’s Alleged Victims Still Believe in Crypto
Report: Bankman-Fried’s Alleged Victims Still Believe in Crypto
October 02, 2023  |  Cryptocurrency

Despite losing millions when FTX collapsed, some investors still believe in the promise of cryptocurrency. As CNBC reported Monday (Oct. 2) — in advance of a documentary on the...

$4 Million in Crypto Swiped in FTX Hack Resurfaces
$4 Million in Crypto Swiped in FTX Hack Resurfaces
October 01, 2023  |  Cryptocurrency

Roughly $4 million in cryptocurrency stolen from FTX last year is reportedly back in circulation. As Coindesk reported, blockchain data shows that around 2,500 ether tied to an...

DOJ Plans to Call FTX Customers and Investors in SBF Trial
DOJ Plans to Call FTX Customers and Investors in SBF Trial
October 01, 2023  |  Legal

When Sam Bankman-Fried heads to trial, his former customers will likely testify against him. Bankman-Fried, founder of the bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX, will go on trial...

Bankman-Fried Trades Cargo Shorts for Trousers as Trial Looms
Bankman-Fried Trades Cargo Shorts for Trousers as Trial Looms
September 29, 2023  |  Legal

The biggest white collar trial of the past 15 years starts next Tuesday (Oct. 3). And the defendant, Sam Bankman-Fried — the famously frumpled co-founder...