Google Home

Alexa Can Recognize Multiple Voices
Alexa Can Recognize Multiple Voices
October 12, 2017  |  Amazon

Amazon’s Alexa now offers voice recognition that can tell the difference between family members’ voices. Users can set up voice recognition using the Echo, Echo...

Google Tracker: Google Earth, Air And Sea
Google Tracker: Google Earth, Air And Sea
October 10, 2017  |  Google

The big news from Google this week was obviously the hardware event on Oct. 4, which you have likely read all about (but we’ll recap...

The Pixel 2, The Mini-Home And The AI Tie That Binds
The Pixel 2, The Mini-Home And The AI Tie That Binds
October 05, 2017  |  Innovation

Promoting product releases has become something of an art form in Silicon Valley. There is the day itself, of course, but also the lead-up to it...

Could Google’s Wednesday Product Event Outshine Apple’s?
Could Google’s Wednesday Product Event Outshine Apple’s?
October 03, 2017  |  Google

Following similar events held by Apple and Amazon, Google is hosting its own major product event Wednesday in California, where the company is expected to...

Amazon Rules The Smart Speaker Market, Ahead Of Google
Amazon Rules The Smart Speaker Market, Ahead Of Google
September 19, 2017  |  Amazon Technology

When it comes to voice-activated smart speakers, Amazon is the undisputed leader, with 76 percent of the market share. That’s according to Consumer Intelligence Research...

Bridging Speech and Loyalty with Voice Activated Rewards
Bridging Speech and Loyalty with Voice Activated Rewards
September 19, 2017  |  Tech Center

The voice-activated assistant is gaining currency with consumers. Use of the devices is growing like gangbusters. Research from eMarketer shows that as many as 35 million...

Smarter Homes And Offices
Smarter Homes And Offices
September 15, 2017  |  Voice Activation

OK, Google. Listen up, Alexa. Playtime’s over. It’s time to step outside the smart home and begin to build the smart office. The same tools...

Google Tracker: Calling For Backup From Smartphone Producer HTC
Google Tracker: Calling For Backup From Smartphone Producer HTC
September 12, 2017  |  Retail

How could Google benefit from acquiring smartphone maker HTC? What is the company doing to help out in the wake of Hurricane Harvey — and...

Voice AI Devices Vulnerable To Ultrasound Hacks
Voice AI Devices Vulnerable To Ultrasound Hacks
September 08, 2017  |  Voice Activation

Scientists have discovered that Siri, Amazon’s Alexa and other voice assistant programs can be controlled using inaudible ultrasound commands. The Verge reported news that researchers...