Los Angeles

Cannabis Startups Expected To Boost Warehouse Rents In Boston, L.A.
Cannabis Startups Expected To Boost Warehouse Rents In Boston, L.A.
June 08, 2017  |  Real Estate

Industrial rents in already-expensive cities like Los Angeles and Boston are expected to get a boost because of weed startups, according to Bloomberg Markets. Space in those...

Tech Center: Los Angeles On The Brink Of Becoming Tech Power Player
Tech Center: Los Angeles On The Brink Of Becoming Tech Power Player
February 24, 2017  |  Innovation

For quite some time, Silicon Valley has been the technology powerhouse of California in terms of both up-and-coming startups and big-named companies, like Google and...

Voice Activated Tracker: Alexa Goes Hollywood
Voice Activated Tracker: Alexa Goes Hollywood
January 17, 2017  |  Voice Activation

They grow up so fast. Amazon’s Alexa has come a long way in the just over two years since its initial release. What started as...

LA Gets Amazon Prime Now, Local Shop Delivery Next
LA Gets Amazon Prime Now, Local Shop Delivery Next
September 17, 2015  |  News

Amazon’s one-hour delivery service Prime Now is spreading its wings to deliver in new parts of California, including Los Angeles and Orange County in areas...

Rock ‘N’ Roll Retail On The Sunset Strip
Rock ‘N’ Roll Retail On The Sunset Strip
July 23, 2015  |  Cool

Digital? Not a threat to some people in the analog world. Marc Weinstein, co-founder of the world famous Amoeba Music, is a music lover who...