Marriott International

China May Have Been Behind Marriott Data Breach
China May Have Been Behind Marriott Data Breach
December 06, 2018  |  Security & Fraud

The hackers behind that data breach at Marriott International may have been working for the government of China as part of an intelligence-gathering effort, reported...

Amazon’s Alexa ‘Checks In’ To Marriott Hotels
Amazon’s Alexa ‘Checks In’ To Marriott Hotels
June 19, 2018  |  Amazon

In an effort grow its presence in the hospitality space, Amazon has partnered with Marriott International to bring Alexa to the company’s hotels. The popular...

Marriott Courts Chinese Travelers With Alibaba Deal
Marriott Courts Chinese Travelers With Alibaba Deal
August 08, 2017  |  Partnerships / Acquisitions

Alibaba, the Chinese eCommerce giant, and Marriott International, the hotel giant, have inked a deal Monday (August 7) to enable Chinese consumers to book hotel...