medical billing

5G To Give Healthcare Payments A Boost
5G To Give Healthcare Payments A Boost
November 13, 2018  |  Healthcare

As the world — and the world of payment and commerce — ready themselves for the deployment of 5G mobile technology, the healthcare industry is...

As Medical Billing Goes Digital, New Benefits — And Challenges — Arise
As Medical Billing Goes Digital, New Benefits — And Challenges — Arise
October 23, 2018  |  Digital Payments

As the benefits of bringing more digital power to medical billing become clearer, there are other issues and concerns rising that underscore just what a...

Medical Billing Errors Cost Physicians Billions
Medical Billing Errors Cost Physicians Billions
May 16, 2017  |  Payment Methods

Given that as much as 80 percent of medical claims submitted to insurance companies include mistakes estimated at $68 billion and that about 55 percent...