money laundering

Money laundering is the illegal process of concealing the origins of money obtained illegally by passing it through a complex sequence of banking transfers or commercial transactions.


US Congress Discovers Alleged Flaws In Deutsche Bank Controls
US Congress Discovers Alleged Flaws In Deutsche Bank Controls
September 08, 2019  |  Regulation

U.S. congressional investigators have found possible failures in Deutsche Bank AG’s money laundering controls. Sources familiar with the matter told Reuters that Deutsche Bank handed...

Head Of Swedbank Won’t Let Probes Compromise Clients’ Privacy
Head Of Swedbank Won’t Let Probes Compromise Clients’ Privacy
August 29, 2019  |  Banking

Swedbank’s new CEO says that while transparency is a goal after his predecessor misled the public about money laundering, he still has to protect clients’...

Swedish Watchdog To Publish Results Of Swedbank Probe In 2020
Swedish Watchdog To Publish Results Of Swedbank Probe In 2020
August 23, 2019  |  AML

There won’t be any answers until next year regarding the ongoing investigation of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) and money laundering in the Baltics,...

DOJ Charges Nigerian Email Scammers
DOJ Charges Nigerian Email Scammers
August 22, 2019  |  Legal

The U.S. Justice Department has announced charges against 80 people, most of them Nigerians, in a wide-ranging fraud and money laundering operation that netted millions...

AML Expenses Eat Into Nordic Lenders’ Profits
AML Expenses Eat Into Nordic Lenders’ Profits
July 21, 2019  |  Banking

Anti-money-laundering compliance controls have impacted Nordic banks’ bottom lines. The region’s largest financial institutions — Swedbank AB, Nordea Bank ABP and Danske Bank A/S— have...

Can AI Help Fix A Broken AML System?
Can AI Help Fix A Broken AML System?
July 16, 2019  |  Innovation

Criminals are not the only elements that can vex financial institutions when it comes to protecting against money laundering. False positives — instances of potential...

Fed Chairman Calls For Libra Freeze; Bitcoin Slumps
Fed Chairman Calls For Libra Freeze; Bitcoin Slumps
July 11, 2019  |  Cryptocurrency

The chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve called for a stop to Libra, Facebook’s proposed cryptocurrency, until the project better demonstrated how it was going...

Regulators Eye ‘Excess Capacity’ In European Banking System
Regulators Eye ‘Excess Capacity’ In European Banking System
July 08, 2019  |  Regulation

In Europe, and specifically in banking, mergers – not for scale, but for efficiency? To that end, Andrea Enria, the European Central Bank supervisor, said...

ECB Head Advocates EU Bank Consolidation
ECB Head Advocates EU Bank Consolidation
July 05, 2019  |  Banking

European Central Bank Supervisor Andrea Enria said that the banking system in Europe is operating with excess capacity, and that there should be some mergers...