Nandan Sheth

Bank Branches Evolve Into Financial Education ‘Magnets’
Bank Branches Evolve Into Financial Education ‘Magnets’
March 29, 2024  |  Financial Inclusion

Last year, banks shuttered 2,300 branches. The move should come as no surprise, given the fact that banks, like any other business, have been examining...

24% of Consumers Worry Installment Plans Could Lead to Overspending
24% of Consumers Worry Installment Plans Could Lead to Overspending
October 26, 2023  |  Consumer Insights

Installment plans have become a preferred payment method for consumers. PYMNTS Intelligence has found that 60% of shoppers used an installment plan to buy consumer...

Ubiquity Drives Consumer Demand for Credit Card Installment Plans
Ubiquity Drives Consumer Demand for Credit Card Installment Plans
October 19, 2023  |  Payment Methods

Getting what we want — now — but paying later for it is top of consumers’ minds. Nandan Sheth, CEO at Splitit, told Karen Webster...

Splitit Secures $50 Million Investment From Motive Partners
Splitit Secures $50 Million Investment From Motive Partners
August 15, 2023  |  Buy Now Pay Later

Installments-as-a-service platform provider Splitit has secured an investment of $50 million from private equity firm Motive Partners. This commitment is composed of two tranches of $25 million in...

BNPL Moves In-Store as Installment Payments Evolve With the Times
BNPL Moves In-Store as Installment Payments Evolve With the Times
February 28, 2023  |  Payment Methods

The recovery of physical retail after the massive rise in eCommerce is bringing about cross-pollination of sorts as popular online payment methods migrate to in-store...