eCommerce has become a natural part of life in many parts of the world, but that hasn’t been the case in the Middle East. Most...
If a marketplace can work for aggregating goods from disparate providers, why not for services, too? After all, service industries make up more than three-quarters...
For many years, as communication, commerce and even crafting (see: Etsy, Pinterest) migrated to digital spaces, the art world stayed behind, lingering in brick-and-mortar museums,...
What would happen if Amazon went offline today? Not a service blip, like the June outage that redirected users to 503 error pages featuring cute...
Can Walmart give Amazon a run for its eCommerce money? Probably not. But it can keep the eCommerce giant from gaining an eMonopoly, at least...
Bringing buyers and sellers together is not enough when it comes to the gig economy. Ease of use and secure transactions are paramount concerns for...