quantum computing

Quantum Computing Could Change Everything — Are We Ready?
Quantum Computing Could Change Everything — Are We Ready?
May 05, 2023  |  Innovation

The past decade-plus has seen an explosion in technical capability, at times outpacing Moore’s law of technology advancement.   It’s fair to say that the present...

Crypto Insiders Edgy over Quantum Computing’s Looming Threat to Blockchain Security
Crypto Insiders Edgy over Quantum Computing’s Looming Threat to Blockchain Security
August 11, 2022  |  Security & Fraud

Chatter on the cryptographic side of cryptocurrency has been growing over the past couple of years about the threat posed by quantum computing, an entirely...

Quantifying Quantum Computing’s Value In Financial Services
Quantifying Quantum Computing’s Value In Financial Services
August 28, 2020  |  Security & Fraud

The next great leap for computing may be a bit closer with the help of joint efforts between the U.S. government, the private sector —...

Quantum Computing’s Wright Brothers’ Moment
Quantum Computing’s Wright Brothers’ Moment
November 05, 2019  |  Innovation

On Oct. 23, the team at Google announced it had hit a technological milestone that scientists have been theorizing about for over 30 years: quantum...

Russian Quantum Center Comes Out With Quantum-Proof Blockchain
Russian Quantum Center Comes Out With Quantum-Proof Blockchain
May 29, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

Russian Quantum Center researchers announced late last week that they created what they said is the first quantum-safe blockchain. According to a press release covered...