Despite the setback caused by its investment in Cudoni, a resale platform startup that was forced to shut down due to lack of traction, eBay...
Cudoni, a luxury resale platform backed by eBay, announced its shutdown earlier this week, citing the economic climate as the reason for its unfeasible operations....
Back in January, Cudoni, a startup based in London, added eBay to its roster of investors with a $9 million fundraise. Today, the company no...
What was once old is new again (and again) as brands and consumers fully embrace the potential of preowned. The resale trend has been steadily...
Ongoing inflation has led to a boom in sales for luxury resale platforms. It has also made consumers more likely to haggle over prices to get the...
Chloé is helping the buyers of its clothes and accessories prepare those items for resale. With its Spring-Summer 2023 collection, the French luxury brand is...
Before branded resale, third-party platforms like ThredUP, Vestiaire Collective, Poshmark and The RealReal dominated the pre-loved market — and fueled a global market value of...
The phrase “seamless checkout” has been used so much to describe so many things that the meaning has gotten foggy. But given what’s at stake,...
Add Canada Goose to the list of luxury retailers hopping aboard the reCommerce train. The past few months have seen several high-end brands — including...