Small and Medium businesses are privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships which have fewer employees and/or less annual revenue than a regular-sized business or corporation.
Analyzing Invoices, For Funds And Profits
Analyzing Invoices, For Funds And Profits
September 27, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Visibility is crucial when SMBs want to find savings and improve cash flow tied to their own purchasing patterns, as Tungsten Network's Andrew Nichols explains.

Finding Falafel Success On Main Street
Finding Falafel Success On Main Street
September 19, 2016  |  SMBs

The rumors of Main Street's demise may be greatly exaggerated. The hot-off-the-presses Q3 PYMNTS Store Front Business Index™ indicates that store front businesses are proving...

LendingPoint And The Consumer/SMB Overlap
LendingPoint And The Consumer/SMB Overlap
August 22, 2016  |  B2B Payments

With a new chief revenue officer in place, LendingPoint may be sticking to its consumer lending knitting, but there’s also a benefit for the smallest...

Bizfi Provides $144M In Q2 SMB Lending
Bizfi Provides $144M In Q2 SMB Lending
August 17, 2016  |  Alternative Finances

FinTech firm Bizfi, which offers a platform that serves as a combination of aggregation, funding and a small business marketplace, said that it had seen...

Accounting For SMB Cash Flow
Accounting For SMB Cash Flow
July 12, 2016  |  B2B Payments

CPAs, themselves smaller firms, need additional revenue streams beyond tax services and other seasonal business demand. Now, they can help SMBs understand and navigate the...

For SMBs, Education Smooths The Lending Process
For SMBs, Education Smooths The Lending Process
June 23, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Startups need capital to get off the ground, but pitfalls abound when seeking funding. New Business Funder's Troy Bohlke explains how knowledge is power.

When Mobility Helps You Park
When Mobility Helps You Park
June 10, 2016  |  Point of Sale

Gone are the days of rummaging through car ashtrays for quarters to feed the meter. Brad Powers, CTO of Passport, tells PYMNTS that consumers can...

Eliminating Parking’s Third Biggest Friction
Eliminating Parking’s Third Biggest Friction
June 09, 2016  |  Point of Sale

Gone are the days of rummaging through car ashtrays for quarters to feed the meter. Brad Powers, CTO of Passport, tells PYMNTS that consumers can...