startup funding

Uber China’s $2B Round Raises Value To $7B
Uber China’s $2B Round Raises Value To $7B
January 14, 2016  |  Investments

Uber’s China division received a nearly $2 billion investment from Chinese firms, boosting the unit to a valuation of $7 billion. As Reuters reported Wednesday...

Lyft Closing The Gap On Uber
Lyft Closing The Gap On Uber
November 19, 2015  |  Merchant Innovation

The ride-hailing pioneer is reportedly looking to raise new capital. Four anonymous people close to the matter told The New York Times that Lyft is...

Protecting Through Deception: The Latest Cybersecurity Trend
Protecting Through Deception: The Latest Cybersecurity Trend
October 21, 2015  |  International

With a unique approach to beating cybercriminals at their own game, cybersecurity company illusive networks announced yesterday (Oct. 20) that it secured $22 million in a...

DataVisor Scoops Up $14.5M To Push Big Data Security
DataVisor Scoops Up $14.5M To Push Big Data Security
October 14, 2015  |  News

DataVisor is using Big Data to expose cybercriminals and protect both websites and mobile apps from their devastating attacks. With this goal in mind, the...

SentinelOne Fuels Anti-Virus Market Disruption With $25M Funding
SentinelOne Fuels Anti-Virus Market Disruption With $25M Funding
October 14, 2015  |  News

Endpoint security company SentinelOne is on a mission to displace anti-virus vendors — and it may be one step closer with its latest surge in...