subscription plans

Refund Features Keep Subscription Shoppers From Canceling
Refund Features Keep Subscription Shoppers From Canceling
December 22, 2023  |  Subscription Commerce

Understanding subscriber preferences is the lifeblood of subscription commerce — even more so in a digital economy. Subscription businesses that ignore this do so at...

Report: Snapchat Subscription Service Sees Best Month Ever
Report: Snapchat Subscription Service Sees Best Month Ever
December 10, 2023  |  Subscriptions

Snapchat’s premium subscription service has reportedly just enjoyed its best month ever. The social media platform’s Snapchat+ offering recorded more than $20 million in revenue in November...

Netflix Continues to Gain Subscribers After Password-Sharing Crackdown
Netflix Continues to Gain Subscribers After Password-Sharing Crackdown
August 23, 2023  |  Streaming

Netflix has reportedly continued to gain subscribers in the United States after beginning its crackdown on password sharing and introducing new subscription plans. The streaming...