Vending Machines

A vending machine is an automated machine that provides items such as snacks, beverages, cigarettes and lottery tickets to consumers after money, a credit card, or a specially designed card is inserted into the machine.
Are Vending Machines Contextual Commerce’s Next Frontier?
Are Vending Machines Contextual Commerce’s Next Frontier?
January 15, 2019  |  Unattended Retail

Everyone has a vending machine experience go awry. The bill receptor that wouldn’t take the wrinkled dollar bill, the can of Coke that got stuck...

The ‘BreadBot’ Is Here, And Attempting Grocery Disruption
The ‘BreadBot’ Is Here, And Attempting Grocery Disruption
January 14, 2019  |  Retail

To provide an alternative to days-old bread that is baked off-site, startups are helping grocers bake bread within their own stores through interactive robots that...

How Farmer’s Fridge Is Tapping Into Unattended Retail
How Farmer’s Fridge Is Tapping Into Unattended Retail
September 19, 2018  |  Retail

Prepared food vendors are finding a new way to distribute their meals, turning to unattended retail to bring fresh food to on-the-go customers. The reason?...

Data’s Influence And Contactless Vending, In Style At Fashion Week
Data’s Influence And Contactless Vending, In Style At Fashion Week
September 15, 2018  |  Data

This week, New York celebrated its 75th fall Fashion Week, with all the pomp, glamour, celebrity and hype that defines the event. The city was the home of...

Vending Machine Commerce Encourages Digital Payments Growth
Vending Machine Commerce Encourages Digital Payments Growth
September 06, 2018  |  self service retail

Visit one of the places where time still crawls — New Orleans, for instance, inside a dive bar where the beer and tobacco odors have...

Farmer’s Fridge Plans Expansion After Raising $30 Million
Farmer’s Fridge Plans Expansion After Raising $30 Million
September 06, 2018  |  Retail

After raising $30 million in a Series C funding round, Farmer’s Fridge has its eyes on doubling its operation in 2019. The startup, which is based...