In 800 B.C., when people wanted to know the answer to “what’s next” about their personal futures, they flocked to Delphi and asked Pythia, the...
In what feels like the blink of an eye — and pushed by the breakout success of Amazon’s Echo line of smart speaker products —...
“Alexa?” “Hey, Siri…” “Okay, Google…” “Hi, Bixby…” If we told the average person in early 2013 that someday it was going to be very important...
Commerce is becoming ever more linked — between nations and across time zones and gadgets. Amid all the change in commerce and payments (already), can...
Toyota drivers are about to gain a new best friend in Yui, an onboard virtual assistant that uses artificial intelligence to do everything from talk to...
ATB Financial has partnered with FinTech to launch a virtual banking assistant that utilizes Facebook Messenger. “At ATB, we’re innovating at the forefront of...
When it comes to voice-activated smart speakers, Amazon is the undisputed leader, with 76 percent of the market share. That’s according to Consumer Intelligence Research...
Amazon recently launched a new feature that allows Alexa to offer suggestions of third-party skills in response to questions she cannot answer. In the past,...
Reports in Apple Insider first noticed the change: Senior vice president of internet software and services Eddie Cue is no longer in charge of Siri. On...