As Ben Franklin once said, nothing in life is certain except for death and taxes. And add to that a new pressing issue for businesses:...
It was the thick of earnings season this week, but that didn’t mean PYMNTS’ interviews with key executives took a break. Here are some of...
April has come and gone but a slew of IRS notices loom this fall as companies may be on the hook for erroneously filed returns,...
Tax season might be over. But then again, there’s always next year. As Wendy Walker, solution principal at Sovos, told PYMNTS, the complexities of tax...
Digital transformation is becoming as inevitable as the reality of paying taxes. And as many companies discovered during the recent tax season, even the IRS...
It’s March — and for many corporations and government agencies, the race is on to file a complete accounting, particularly with Form 1042-S, with the...
Tax season is here, and the march towards digitization of records and electronic filing continues. Wendy Walker, solutions principal at Sovos, told PYMNTS that new e-File...
Wendy Walker, solution principal at Sovos, said changes to IRS reporting that help identify firms may catch some businesses unaware. As Walker illustrated in a...
Changes in tax reporting loom on the horizon — though recently were delayed a bit — as more commerce moves online. Wendy Walker, solutions principal...