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Commercial Real Estate Lending On The Rise
Commercial Real Estate Lending On The Rise
September 16, 2014  |  B2B Payments

Buoyed by low interest rates and increasingly favorable market conditions, banks are expanding their lending footprint into commercial real estate and construction. Data from financial...

Most Mobile Apps Will Fail Security Test Next Year
Most Mobile Apps Will Fail Security Test Next Year
September 16, 2014  |  Mobile

Analyst firm Gartner has issued a report predicting that 75 percent of mobile apps, by next year, will flunk even most rudimentary of security requirements....

China’s Biometric Payment Scheme
China’s Biometric Payment Scheme
September 15, 2014  |  Mobile

The Chinese Academy of Sciences has endorsed an E-Commerce biometric authentication program based on the shopper transmitting a selfie. Dubbed “face swapping,” officials described a...

Apple Talked To Square About Being Acquired. It Didn’t Go Well
Apple Talked To Square About Being Acquired. It Didn’t Go Well
September 15, 2014  |  Mobile

Apple recently approached Square about becoming part of the Apple family, but talks ended abruptly when Apple was only willing to pay $3 billion, which...

McDonald’s Pushes Apple Pay Out The Window
McDonald’s Pushes Apple Pay Out The Window
September 15, 2014  |  Apple Pay

McDonald’s Chief Digital Officer Atif Rafiq was talking with a reporter last week about how “seamless” and easy McDonald’s will incorporate ApplePay, which makes sense given...

Bill Gates Focused On Digital Payments For Poor
Bill Gates Focused On Digital Payments For Poor
September 15, 2014  |  Alternative Finances

Though there has been a lot of talk and media coverage about the tremendous potential mobile payments offer to the poor, underbanked and financially disenfranchised...

Alibaba’s Billions Beyond China
Alibaba’s Billions Beyond China
September 15, 2014  |  International

As more data emerges about e-commerce giant Alibaba in the run-up to its IPO Thursday (September 18), it is becoming increasingly clear the size and...

Could Retail Cyber Attacks Pay For Modernized Payment?
Could Retail Cyber Attacks Pay For Modernized Payment?
September 15, 2014  |  News

There is a school of thought that says a little destruction is not a bad thing, as such clearings brought on by destruction often offers...

Amazon Shutters P2P
Amazon Shutters P2P
September 15, 2014  |  Alternative Finances

Amazon is formally pulling the plug on it free person-to-person funds transfer service WebPay as of October 13, 2014. “We are not addressing a customer...