Latest PYMNTS Buy Now, Pay Later Provider Ranking is Ready to Rock

buy now pay later

Did you ever imagine that “buy now, pay later” would take over the world this way? We’re getting to the point where even big banks (among others not native to the sector) see the action as too good to ignore. And so it is. Installments are global, digital — and awesome.

That said, PYMNTS’ latest update to the Buy Now Pay Later Provider Ranking continues to display a remarkable immovability of brands and positions that signals its powerful value prop.

And who can argue that BNPL is anything other than a groundbreaking innovation? Show of hands? No one? We thought not. There’s no getting around it, as these rankings demonstrate.

The Top 5

Brand command at the top of the charts has settled into a certain order, at least in recent months. For example, the two-way tie for No. 1 stretches into another cycle as Afterpay and Klarna both occupy that spot yet again with perfect scores across the board.

The Affirm app is firm at No. 2, and with Walmart and Amazon both on board, who knows?

Somebody should call the quad squad, because QuadPay takes No. 3 for another cycle.

Then there’s this: the FuturePay moves up one chart position to take No. 4.

That gain pushes red-hot Sezzle down a spot to No. 5 and keeping to the Top 5.

In and of itself, staying in the Top 5 is an accomplishment by itself.

Apps — we salute you.

The Top 10

Below the Top 5 line, things are quiet this month. Nobody’s moving. Too busy apparently.

Japanese juggernaut Paidy keeps to No. 6 for another cycle. Watch them for a possible IPO.

Interest-free Zip Pay isn’t zipping anywhere, holding down its No. 7 spot without a struggle.

If nothing has changed since last cycle then our No. 8 must be the Laybuy app, another sensation from Australia. Seriously, what’s up down under? It seems like every third company on the continent is doing installment payments.

The Humm app will not be dislodged from its No. 8 perch. Here we find it yet again.

That’s also true for No. 10 LazyPay, keeping its own spot warm for another consecutive cycle.

No sense in dragging it out. PYMNTS Buy Now Pay Later Provider Ranking is not action-packed per se, but the action behind it is fierce and fun.

Here’s wishing you all a happy BNPL experience in the very near future. TTFN.