PYMNTS Intelligence and Mastercard ad for the PSP checkout report: Australia edition. Click to read.

The Economics of Payment Card Interchange Fees and the Limits of Regulation

Fresh off of the most substantial national liquidity crisis of the last generation and the enactment of sweeping credit card regulation in the form of the Credit CARD Act, Congress continues to deliberate, with a continuing drumbeat of support from lobbyists, a set of new regulations for credit card companies. These proposals, offered in the name of consumer protection, seek to constrain the setting of “interchange fees” – transaction charges integral to payment card systems – through a range of proposed political interventions.

This article identifies both the theoretical and actual failings of such regulation. Payment cards are a secure, inexpensive, welfare-increasing payment mechanism largely unlike any other in history. Rather than increasing consumer welfare in any meaningful sense, interchange fee legislation represents an attempt by some merchants to shift costs away from their businesses and onto card issuing banks and cardholders.


PYMNTS Intelligence and Mastercard ad for the PSP checkout report: Australia edition. Click to read.