Customers Demand Better Mobile Banking Options

The Australian bank Westpac announced recently that the majority of its customers want their mobile banking options to be on par with what can be done on a desktop. Westpac conducted a survey of 820 of its customers, and found that 75 percent of those interviewed want what the bank has reportedly promised – a “device agnostic” program.

According to an article by the New Zealand online news source, Westpac expects to roll out its new mobile banking platform in by August or September of this year. The move hopes to provide up to 95 percent of Westpac’s products and services via whatever device – desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone – a customer chooses to use.

In another article, Westpac’s head of digital banking and customer experience Simon Pomeroy told the news source that the project will cost about $15 million and take about 18 months to roll out completely.

“You start thinking about your own experience,” Pomeroy said, saying that the idea for the program was a simple one. “That you’re using different devices during the day (and) it seems kind of antiquated, or an old fashioned concept, that full (online banking) functionality sits in desktop yet most customers are using mobile and tablet more alongside desktop.”

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