Sakunda Makes Move In Fuel Industry With New Loyalty Card

Fuel sector company Sakunda announced this week that it launched a new fuel and loyalty card. The innovation gives customers convenient, secure and manageable fuel services, according to a News Day report. Additionally, the new card enables customers to purchase fuel using V payments, Visa and ZimSwitch from anywhere in the world.

Sakunda Energy and Power Development minister Dzikamai Mavhaire spoke at the loyalty card launch, saying that innovation played a vital role in sparking the growth of businesses, which leads to growing economies by unlocking latent market value.

“The Sakunda Fuel Card will improve operations of organizations managing fleet of buses, light and bulk vehicles by offering better fuel management solutions,” Mavhaire said, as reported by the news source.

Mavhaire added that the new card would eliminate the ability for employees to abuse and excesses around fuel use.

Last month, discussed the positive impact that the right card could have on a fleet. Payment cards have a lot of potential to lighten loads and make work more efficient, but only when they are used properly, according to WEX’s Michael Lingman.

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