Today in Restaurant and Grocery Tech: Whole Foods Fee Drives Away Customers; Self-Checkout Takes Hold


Today in restaurant and grocery tech news, Whole Foods’ new delivery fee proves too much for online grocery customers, while ultrafast grocery delivery services leverage digital technologies to make the economics work in their favor. Plus, brick-and-mortar grocers benefit from self-service innovation.

Whole Foods Orders Drop After New Delivery Fee, Report Says

Whole Foods customers have voted against the company’s new $9.95 delivery fee, a report says. The company, owned by Amazon, used to offer free delivery to Amazon Prime customers. But recently the fee has led some customers to just get groceries themselves.

5 Ways Grocery Checkout Changed in 2021

In 2020, grocery shoppers adopted self-checkout more than ever before, motivated by contagion concerns prompting them to avoid face-to-face contact and seek out quicker ways to move through crowded stores. In 2021, this shift presented grocers with the opportunity to rethink their checkout options for the more self-service-dependent future, spurred on by labor challenges that turned these channels from simply a benefit to an absolute necessity.

To Make the Economics Work, Ultra-Fast Grocers Must Digitize Every Step of the Process 

“What we’re building is basically a new form of commerce,” Maxim Avtukhov, head of international markets at Yango Deli, the 15-minute grocery delivery arm of Russian tech giant Yandex, tells PYMNTS in an interview.

Around the World, Restaurants Leverage On-Premises Payment Digitization to Improve CX

Across continents, major restaurant brands and small independents alike are increasingly leveraging digital technologies to improve the in-restaurant payment experience, driving customer retention by improving the purchasing experience.