Business-to-business is a situation where one business makes a commercial transaction with another. This typically occurs when: A business is sourcing materials for their production process for output .Example- Providing raw material to the other company that will produce output.

(source: en.wikipedia.org)

RBS Lets Corporates Open An Account With A Single Online Form
RBS Lets Corporates Open An Account With A Single Online Form
October 17, 2014  |  B2B Payments

RBS is slashing the time and paperwork required for corporate clients in 23 countries to open new accounts -- and not just in the U.K.,...

North American B2B Procurement Inefficiencies Cost $1.5 Billion/Year
North American B2B Procurement Inefficiencies Cost $1.5 Billion/Year
October 16, 2014  |  B2B Payments

Although the concept of B2B procurement systems is to sharply increase productivity, that’s doesn’t seem to be how it’s working out. Barely 28 percent of...

Cost And Security Concerns Slow Banks Progress To Real Time Corporate Payments
Cost And Security Concerns Slow Banks Progress To Real Time Corporate Payments
October 16, 2014  |  B2B Payments

Corporate treasurers want speed — a lot more speed — from their banks, including quicker transaction settlement and access to information, along with faster account...

B2B Travel Options Grow As Expedia, Priceline Do
B2B Travel Options Grow As Expedia, Priceline Do
October 10, 2014  |  B2B Payments

From a B2B travel purchasing perspective, there are few things better than online services that try and beat airlines and hotels at their “every seat/room...

GAO: Feds Must Collect Fees From Insurers
GAO: Feds Must Collect Fees From Insurers
October 10, 2014  |  B2B Payments

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) has decided that Congress needs to allow the government to collect user fees from health insurers and that those...

The SBA’s Silicon Valley Make-Over
The SBA’s Silicon Valley Make-Over
October 07, 2014  |  B2B Payments

When most people think of the Small Business Administration (SBA), they likely think of traditional American small-businesses. One-or-two-off shops, restaurants and garages – the types...

Lands’ End Rethinks Its B2B Site
Lands’ End Rethinks Its B2B Site
October 06, 2014  |  B2B Payments

Companies that want to customize apparel—such as adding their corporate logo to a company-issued uniform—now have a supposedly faster and easier way to do it...

Bank of America Merrill Lynch Rolls Out Digital Disbursements
Bank of America Merrill Lynch Rolls Out Digital Disbursements
October 01, 2014  |  B2B Payments

Bank of America Merrill Lynch on Tuesday (Sept. 30) launched a product called Digital Disbursements, which is designed to allow for digital payments right into...