Consumers are a resourceful lot and will do what they must to make ends meet, even if it means splitting up the weekly grocery bill...
Failed payments have an impact on customer churn in the subscription business industry. Among all possible causes, declined card payments account for 50% of all...
Class-action settlements often involve websites with information for the class members. But in the case of a multibillion-dollar class action lawsuit against Visa and Mastercard,...
DoorDash now enables customers to use their health savings accounts and flexible spending accounts to pay for eligible items at select merchants. Beginning Wednesday (Nov....
Payments firm FIS released third-quarter results on Tuesday (Nov. 7) that pointed to widespread recurring and organic revenue growth, and a continued shift by banks...
In an environment with high interest rates and the expansion of instant payment systems, retailers are shifting their payment preferences by leaving traditional methods and...
Consumers in different countries go for a diverse mix of shopping features, ranging from coupons and rewards to free shipping, availability of buy now, pay...
The debate over interchange is now fully underway (again) on Capitol Hill. The question remains as to what happens with rewards programs — the sweeteners,...
Mastercard has pointed to a “resilient” consumer, buoying the latest quarter’s results. But management noted on the conference call with analysts that spending is decelerating...