digital transformation

Small Business Transformations Put the AI in Main Street
Small Business Transformations Put the AI in Main Street
April 29, 2024  |  SMBs

Small businesses with big ambitions are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to drive growth.  That’s because, with 2024’s National Small Business Week already on day two,...

Earnings Put Spotlight on Banks’ Full-Scale Digital Transformation
Earnings Put Spotlight on Banks’ Full-Scale Digital Transformation
April 26, 2024  |  Banking

The shift toward digital channels in financial services shows no signs of slowing down, as evidenced by the latest earnings results from incumbent banks and...

Emotive AI Aims to Offer New Ways to Connect With Consumers
Emotive AI Aims to Offer New Ways to Connect With Consumers
April 26, 2024  |  artificial intelligence

In a lab in London, a new generation of avatars is learning to smile, frown and wink — not just as programmed, but in response...

Advanced Tech Adds Miles of Progress to Smart City Vision
Advanced Tech Adds Miles of Progress to Smart City Vision
April 26, 2024  |  Technology

The global smart cities landscape is evolving, driven by the fusion of urbanization and technological advancements. This transformative shift is underscored by the recent release...

Robo-Forklifts Rev Up Walmart’s Warehouses
Robo-Forklifts Rev Up Walmart’s Warehouses
April 25, 2024  |  Walmart

In Walmart’s sprawling distribution centers, a quiet change is underway. The retail behemoth is preparing to deploy a fleet of 19 autonomous electric forklifts across four of its facilities, marking a...

American Airlines Marks Record Quarter Amid Corporate Travel Snapback
American Airlines Marks Record Quarter Amid Corporate Travel Snapback
April 25, 2024  |  Earnings

Business travel is on a steady ascent, aligning with the resurgence observed in the leisure travel sector over the past three years.  On Thursday (April...

This Week in B2B: Enterprise Metaverses, AI Accountants, Virtual Cards
This Week in B2B: Enterprise Metaverses, AI Accountants, Virtual Cards
April 25, 2024  |  B2B Payments

Innovation is a key factor in any company’s ability to succeed in the long run.  And so are the ways in which they pay and...

Walmart Gives Online Shoppers VIP Treatment to Compete With Amazon
Walmart Gives Online Shoppers VIP Treatment to Compete With Amazon
April 25, 2024  |  Retail

As Walmart looks to speed its digital transformation in an effort to shrink the eCommerce gap between itself and rival Amazon, the retailer is giving digital shoppers...

Digital Vehicle Wallets Shift Connected Car Payments Into Overdrive
Digital Vehicle Wallets Shift Connected Car Payments Into Overdrive
April 25, 2024  |  artificial intelligence

The golden rule for payments is to put yourself in the end users’ place.  That’s because in payments, as in life and business, innovation is...