When household finances are tight, consumers use various strategies to manage their budgets and make ends meet. This behavior applies to every spending category, from...
Kroger has teamed with Soda Health to give consumers greater access to pharmacy and nutrition services. The companies’ “Smart Benefits” partnership combines Kroger Health’s services with Soda Health’s “&more”...
As Kroger continues to drive double-digit digital growth, the grocery giant is accepting a negative impact on profit margins for the time being, betting on...
Kitchen United has shut down its in-Kroger omnichannel food halls, begging questions about the future of new in-grocery-store restaurants. The food service company, which specializes...
In times of economic uncertainty and persistent inflation, consumers tend to stretch their budgets to the maximum, especially in essential categories like groceries. To do...
With consumers’ grocery budgets continuing to be pressured, Nestlé is seeing the post-vaccine boost finally taper off, years after the initial rollout. The global food...
As consumers seek out more convenient meal options, Kroger’s new Tempo heat-and-eat meal subscription service sees the opportunity to gain share from restaurants, grocers and...
This week in grocery news, Ahold Delhaize USA grocers adopt new direct ordering apps, Ocado reportedly doubles down on automation, and online discount grocer Martie...
With consumers looking for lower-cost options to replace restaurant delivery and pickup without compromising on speed or convenience, Kroger is expanding its meal solutions business....