preventing financial crimes playbook

How Fostering A Culture Of Fraud Awareness Alongside Automated Tools Can Help Businesses Beat BEC Scams
How Fostering A Culture Of Fraud Awareness Alongside Automated Tools Can Help Businesses Beat BEC...
April 29, 2021  |  Fraud Prevention

Fraudsters have found a new twist on an old favorite — business email compromise scams. In the inaugural Preventing Financial Crimes Playbook, Jeff Taylor, senior...

Report: Automation Protects Business Payments From Email Compromise
Report: Automation Protects Business Payments From Email Compromise
April 28, 2021  |  Fraud Prevention

Companies worldwide are still attempting to reconfigure their typical operations and payment processes to keep up with the shifts caused by the pandemic. This includes...

Deep Dive: Fighting Back Against The Fraud Plaguing P2P Payment Apps
Deep Dive: Fighting Back Against The Fraud Plaguing P2P Payment Apps
October 20, 2020  |  Fraud Prevention

P2P payment apps — including third-party solutions like Venmo and CashApp as well as first-party banking apps — allow users to seamlessly pay each other...

How Zelle Protects Users Against Scams And Frauds With AI, Analytics
How Zelle Protects Users Against Scams And Frauds With AI, Analytics
October 19, 2020  |  Fraud Prevention

Fraudsters are deploying tactics ranging from impersonating tax officials to selling fake PPE on peer-to-peer (P2P) payment apps amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Fighting these threats...

Zelle: The Role Of AI In Stopping COVID-Related P2P Payment Scams
Zelle: The Role Of AI In Stopping COVID-Related P2P Payment Scams
October 16, 2020  |  Fraud Prevention

COVID-era fraudsters use scams that range from impersonating tax officials to selling fake PPE on P2P payment apps. Fighting these threats requires an equally wide range of defenses,...

Deep Dive: How Identity Fraud Targets Banks
Deep Dive: How Identity Fraud Targets Banks
September 25, 2020  |  Fraud Prevention

Fraudsters leverage an array of schemes to conduct financial crimes, including digital methods like botnets and brute force hacks as well as old-school ones like...

How Axis Bank Prevents Identity Fraud With Video-Based Onboarding
How Axis Bank Prevents Identity Fraud With Video-Based Onboarding
September 24, 2020  |  Fraud Prevention

Identity fraud is pervasive threat, with fraudsters stealing identities and constructing fake ones to steal $16.9 billion in 2019. Technologies like video onboarding and artificial...

Report: Overcoming ID Fraud’s Technology Blind Spots
Report: Overcoming ID Fraud’s Technology Blind Spots
September 23, 2020  |  Fraud Prevention

Financial crime is a pervasive threat to banks, credit unions, FinTechs and other financial institutions (FIs) the world over. A recent study from PwC found...

How Financial Crime Is Being Thwarted By AI, ML
How Financial Crime Is Being Thwarted By AI, ML
September 02, 2020  |  Security & Fraud

Despite the fact that they prevent over $22 billion in cybertheft annually, financial institutions (FIs) are seeing fraud attack volumes soar as cyberthieves look for...