transaction data

How Mobile Card Services Turn Location Into Loyalty
How Mobile Card Services Turn Location Into Loyalty
June 19, 2019  |  Mobile

Location matters in real estate. It matters, too, when protecting credit cards against compromise. As Ondot CEO Vaduvur Bharghavan tells Karen Webster, location matters, too,...

Visa CyberSource: AI’s Role Is To ‘Predict’ — Not To ‘Know’
Visa CyberSource: AI’s Role Is To ‘Predict’ — Not To ‘Know’
May 28, 2019  |  VISA

Marvin Minsky, cognitive scientist and co-founder of MIT’s AI lab, said decades ago that computers can only do what we tell them to do.  Scott...

Basware Launches Approval Confidence Index To Its Procurement Tech
Basware Launches Approval Confidence Index To Its Procurement Tech
April 01, 2019  |  B2B Payments

Electronic invoicing firm Basware announced that it has added a machine learning-enabled, predictive capability to its procurement technology. The idea for its Approval Confidence Index (ACI)...

Mastercard: The Why Of The Ethoca Buy
Mastercard: The Why Of The Ethoca Buy
March 13, 2019  |  Mastercard

In the quest to reduce false positives and chargebacks, and boost digital commerce for consumers, Mastercard is buying Ethoca. Johan Gerber, executive vice president of...

ACH Alert Links FIs To Deeper ACH Transaction Data
ACH Alert Links FIs To Deeper ACH Transaction Data
February 12, 2019  |  B2B Payments

ACH Alert, which provides financial institutions with electronic payments fraud detection technologies, is enhancing its automation capabilities with the integration of Payment Data Xchange (PDX)...

Want To Win Consumer Mind (And Wallet) Share? Think Context
Want To Win Consumer Mind (And Wallet) Share? Think Context
December 19, 2018  |  Mobile

The holidays are a time for both hyper-vigilance and hopes. Many consumers must watch their spending so they don’t exceed their credit card limits or...

GDPR Compliance Stalls EMEA Acquisition Activity
GDPR Compliance Stalls EMEA Acquisition Activity
November 13, 2018  |  Regulation

A new survey shows that an increasing number of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are not going through because of concerns over General Data Protection Regulation...

Mastercard Blockchain Patent Would Support Multiple Currencies
Mastercard Blockchain Patent Would Support Multiple Currencies
October 10, 2018  |  Mastercard

Mastercard has been awarded a patent for a proposed blockchain system that would support multiple types of currency. According to Coindesk, the patent describes how...

Using Better Data To Build Better Results
Using Better Data To Build Better Results
May 02, 2018  |  Today In Data

Using data more efficiently can solve all kinds of problems. According to Douglas Merrill, founder of ZestFinance, better data combined with machine learning could mean...