Warby Parker

Warby Parker’s Big Physical Retail Plans
Warby Parker’s Big Physical Retail Plans
October 07, 2016  |  Retail

Despite physical stores nearly across-the-board drops in foot traffic, the CEOs of Warby Parker and Bonobos are bullish on physical commerce, despite their brands’ status...

Is Snapchat The Future Of Commerce For Brands?
Is Snapchat The Future Of Commerce For Brands?
July 22, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

So, how can you get your hands on the newest and hottest pair of Warby Parker shades — a “head-turning Haskell in Crystal, now with...

Warby Parker Sets Sights High For First VC Fund
Warby Parker Sets Sights High For First VC Fund
August 17, 2015  |  News

Eyeglass company Warby Parker co-founder Andy Hunt and Jeremiah Daly are trying to raise $125 million for a new venture capital firm called Elephant Partners, which...