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Google Laying Off Unspecified Number of Employees Amid Shifting Priorities
Google Laying Off Unspecified Number of Employees Amid Shifting Priorities
April 17, 2024  |  Google

Google is laying off an unspecified number of employees and shifting some roles to other countries as part of a continuing effort to cut costs. The...

Report: Zuora Considering Sale After Potential Acquirers Express Interest
Report: Zuora Considering Sale After Potential Acquirers Express Interest
April 17, 2024  |  Acquisitions

Zuora is reportedly considering a sale and other options after more than one company expressed interest in acquiring it. The subscription management software provider is working...

GoDaddy and Upwork Partner to Connect Businesses and Web Designers
GoDaddy and Upwork Partner to Connect Businesses and Web Designers
April 17, 2024  |  Partnerships

GoDaddy will join the Upwork Partners program to connect businesses that are looking for web services with web designers and developers who fit their project’s needs. The company...

Cognizant and FICO to Launch Real-Time Payments Fraud Prevention Solution
Cognizant and FICO to Launch Real-Time Payments Fraud Prevention Solution
April 17, 2024  |  Security & Fraud

Cognizant and FICO plan to launch a cloud-based real-time payments fraud prevention solution designed for North American banks and other payment service providers. The joint offering would...

Canada Considering Digital Services Tax Targeting Largest Tech Companies
Canada Considering Digital Services Tax Targeting Largest Tech Companies
April 17, 2024  |  Taxes

Canada’s Parliament is considering a tax on digital services revenue that would impact the world’s biggest tech companies. The legislation would cover companies’ digital services...

CFPB Finds Coding Bootcamp BloomTech Deceived Students About Loans, Jobs
CFPB Finds Coding Bootcamp BloomTech Deceived Students About Loans, Jobs
April 17, 2024  |  CFPB

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has issued an order against coding bootcamp BloomTech, also known as the Bloom Institute of Technology, and its CEO, Austen Allred, alleging that they deceived...

JCPenney Launches Rewards and Credit Program
JCPenney Launches Rewards and Credit Program
April 17, 2024  |  Loyalty & Rewards

JCPenney has debuted its Rewards and Credit Program, a free loyalty program for customers. “Last year, JCPenney announced a $1 billion reinvestment plan to further...

Finix Launches Tool to Onboard Merchants for Payment Acceptance
Finix Launches Tool to Onboard Merchants for Payment Acceptance
April 17, 2024  |  B2B Payments

Full-stack payment processor Finix has launched a solution that allows businesses to onboard merchants for payment acceptance in a streamlined way.  The new Merchant Underwriting solution also ensures...

Fiserv Debuts Restaurant Kiosks as Self-Service Gains Ground
Fiserv Debuts Restaurant Kiosks as Self-Service Gains Ground
April 17, 2024  |  ResTech

Payments firm Fiserv has debuted a self-service solution for the restaurant industry. The company’s new Clover Kiosk — and an enhanced 24-inch Clover Kitchen Display System —...