Mobility Helps Luggage and Footwear, 2-Day Shipping Beats In-Store Shopping, Beauty Shops of the Future

Digital Beauty

The pandemic has made U.S shoppers value two-day shipping for online purchases over in-store shopping. Plus, beauty brands are harnessing the power of digital commerce to grow their businesses, and the luggage and footwear markets are expected to see spikes as more people emerge from COVID-19 quarantines.


$6.95: Sephora’s same-day delivery fee for products bought online or through its app.

1.4%: Drop in U.S. health and personal care store sales in September 2021.

27%: Share of Americans who plan to travel more within the U.S. in the next three months.

$22.3B: Projected value of the luggage market by 2024.

50%: Share of consumers who have increased buy now, get later practices since the pandemic started.