Amazon Innovations

Amazon Innovations
Why Amazon Should Have Chatbot Plans For Twitch’s Future
May 09, 2016

There are few trends that catch Amazon off guard. This is the company that applied for drone clearance from the FAA before consumers had settled on unmanned aerial deliveries as something they actually wanted. This is a CEO who is landing remotely controlled space-capable rockets onto...

Amazon Innovations
Amazon Embraces Full Prices For High Fashion
April 12, 2016

By and large, shoppers have come to accept the foreign experience that is buying clothes online. While there’s no fitting room that lets them get the fit and feel of a dress before they buy and no sales associate to nudge them along all the...

Amazon Innovations
Did Tmall Just Leak The New Kindle?
April 12, 2016

No matter how cryptic Jeff Bezos may want to be, Amazon’s worldwide reach means that it’s not just Seattle that has to stay tight-lipped when a new product is close to dropping. It seems as if China’s wasn’t able to keep the lid on the...

Amazon’s Sleeper Success With Home Services
March 31, 2016

With its streaming media and Web services departments, it can seem like Amazon is transitioning more and more into a retailer that focuses strictly on selling intangible goods. While that may be true, the success of Amazon Home Services proves that while products might differ,...

Amazon Innovations
How Amazon Reads Its Customers Like A Book
March 17, 2016

The biggest question around Amazon’s Seattle brick-and-mortar bookstore — as well as the upcoming second location in San Diego — remains a philosophical one: Why would an online retailer that already sells books need to put up with the hassle of running a physical store? After all,...

Amazon Innovations
That Rumored Amazon Fashion Line? Surprise! It Already Launched
February 24, 2016

After weeks of extensive speculation about when and if Amazon was officially throwing its hat into the fashion ring, it seems the firm has managed to get the drop on everyone. The clothing line has quietly already launched. According to reports, Amazon has already released...

Amazon Innovations
Amazon Brings On-Demand Wine Advice To Japan
February 10, 2016

Picking the right wine to go with a certain meal can be hard enough in countries with access to hundreds of varieties and a long culture of wine drinking. Doing the same in a place like Japan, which has neither, can be near impossible, which...

Amazon’s New Physical Retail Foray: Kindle Cards
January 26, 2016

EReaders don’t yet have a single dominant device like iPods were to MP3 players, but Amazon’s Kindle line might be the closest thing. Now, Amazon is trying to give its eReader of choice a leg-up in an unfamiliar market: brick-and-mortar stores. Never one to test...

Blue Origin Launches Reusable Rocket, Prepares For Intergalactic eCommerce Future
January 25, 2016

Blue Origin — the Jeff Bezos-backed space transport firm — has announced the successful launch and landing of a suborbital rocket that hit a max height of 63 miles over the Earth. The rocket landed largely unharmed in Texas on Friday (Jan. 22). The rocket made the...