
TRENDING: Identical Twins Highlight Need To Double Up On Biometrics
April 26, 2018

Face and voice recognition technologies are gaining popularity in the fast-evolving world of biometrics. But even these authentication solutions need safeguards in place to ensure they aren’t fooled by passable sound-alikes, or even lookalikes. In the April Digital Identity Tracker™, PYMNTS highlights the latest developments that...

Trulioo CEO: Putting Mobile’s “Know” Into “Know Your Customer”
April 11, 2018

KYC for the digital age is no easy task across billions of consumers.  In the latest Beyond the Buzzword, Trulioo CEO Stephen Ufford states that mobile networks can help build a level of trust that hearkens back to the days when commerce was done face...

Retailers Ready To Drop Credit Card Signatures
April 10, 2018

With fraud on the rise, credit card networks have realized that customer signatures are simply not a reliable way to authenticate someone’s identity — and some of the country’s largest retailers agree. According to The New York Times, four of the largest credit card networks...

A Smarter Digital Footprint To Authenticate Customer Behavior
March 29, 2018

Most people believe that their personal information is for sale on the dark web — and they’re probably right. That only makes the job of authenticating consumer’s identity that much harder for relying parties. IdentityMind Chief Product Officer Jose Caldera tells PYMNTS there’s a case to be made...

NEW REPORT: The Case For A Digital DNA
March 28, 2018

  Cybercrime is on the rise, and companies in several different verticals are stepping up authentication protocols in hopes of successfully thwarting fraudulent attempts. But in the rush to ward off bad actors, many are doing so at the risk of alienating legitimate customers, leading...

Averon CEO: Mobilizing The Wireless Identity Network
March 26, 2018

Two years ago, journalist Walter Isaacson wrote about the “two original sins of the internet.” One was about journalism in particular, and the idea that content should be free for users and paid for by ads. An error, he noted, for which the media industry...

Equifax And Entersekt Team Up To Stop ID Fraud
March 01, 2018

No data is safe in the wake of the Equifax breach – at least not the static kind such as SSNs and drivers’ licenses.  Equifax is shoring up some lines of defense by linking with Entersekt in a mobile digital ID effort.  Entersekt CEO Schalk Nolte tells PYMNTS’ Karen...

After Mueller Indictments, Is Social Security’s Number Up?
February 28, 2018

Special counselor Robert Mueller recently indicted 13 Russians for using stolen identities to illegally open U.S. bank accounts and meddle in the 2016 election. Given SSNs’ history of vulnerability and compromise, they have “outlived their usefulness,” says Ross Rustici, senior director of intelligence services for...

NEW REPORT: Mueller Indictments Prompt Calls For National ID System
February 27, 2018

In the digital identity space, biometrics have become all the rage. In several markets around the world, biometric solutions are gaining ground among consumers, companies and government organizations. These solutions could shift the way national security agencies in several countries operate, or force employers to...