Data Dive

Data Dive
Data Dive: The Deal Heard Round the World(pay)
July 10, 2017

A literal big deal, global in scope, dominates the Data Dive. Oh, and there was some hacking to boot. Of devices and cryptocurrency exchanges.  It was a short week, but not short on news…

Data Dive
Independence Edition: Square, Amazon And LendUp
July 03, 2017

With just a day left ‘til the fireworks officially start in celebration of the 4th of July here in the U.S., we thought we’d offer a preview.  Amazon has redefined time, LendUp has a new Pal, Square wants its customers to get a little more credit. Lots of data, time to dive in.

Data Dive
Data Dive, Summer Heat Edition: Venmo Speeds Up, Amex Branches Out And Walmart Takes A...
June 26, 2017

Despite its reputation for being what Nat King Cole called “the lazy, hazy time of year,” summer 2017 seems stubbornly determined not to live up to its seasonal billing.  It’s hazy enough – or at it has thus far been extremely hot.  Arizona temps grounded...

Data Dive
Data Dive: Three As Edition — Apple, Amazon And Android
June 12, 2017

The news cycle — which was a somewhat chaotic place last week, with a never-ending series of hearings on Capital Hill followed by an somehow even more endless parade of spin doctors and experts on what it all means — felt a bit stuck in neutral....

Data Dive
Chipotle Hacked, Wells Re-org’ed And Canada Just Says No To The Blockchain
June 05, 2017

With the comings and goings of Memorial Day, the time has come to kick back, relax and try not to work too hard or move around too much until the weather cools off some. That is, unless you’re in payments — where the concept of...

Data Dive
The Nimble Edition: Stripe’s Connect, Amazon’s Irony and Google Keeps Adding
May 29, 2017

Some of the biggest names in payments — Stripe, Amazon and Google — made headlines this past week with boosts to businesses both virtual and bricks and mortar (Stripe and Amazon) and big data initiatives (Google).      

Data Dive
The Summer Of Love (Or Not) Edition: CapOne & IDs, Android Pay & PayPal And...
May 22, 2017

The summer is here! Okay, the summer is almost here. Just one week more and Memorial Day is upon us, and with it summer’s unofficial beginning. Given the bang — or, more accurately, series of bangs — 2017 has gotten off to in its first half, it...

Data Dive
Data Dive, Earnings Edition: Green Dot Hits, OnDeck Misses, And First Data Looks Ahead
May 15, 2017

Americans were projected to spend a record-setting $23.4 billion yesterday celebrating their moms, buying flowers and cards and taking them out to brunch. Not that love for our mothers can be quantified with dollars. But for publicly-traded corporations, on the other hand, love is easily...

Data Dive
Walmart Makes Cash Cheap, Banks Balk At Bitcoin And Startups Struggle To Profit
May 01, 2017

Last week, earnings managed to steal the front and center show. Amazon, Google, Microsoft, PayPal, Starbucks and MoneyGram all dropped their latest round of performance data on the markets — and investors and analysts were exuberant and/or terrified, depending on how closely those results conformed...