Fraud Prevention

Fraud Prevention
Phishing Amid The Sea Of Invoice Fraud
August 24, 2018

If the saying is that there is nothing new under the sun, only new ways to say it, then let’s extend the sentiment to payments. There’s nothing new under the sun.  There are just new ways to steal it. The fact remains that technology has...

Fraud Prevention
Can QSRs Keep Up With Fraud Prevention?
August 24, 2018

Let’s give it up for the lowly fast food restaurant and its QSR cousins. Often confined to the bottom levels of culture — demeaned, mocked and stereotyped — they are now, as an industry, not only coming into their own as digital operations, but in some...

Fraud Prevention
How Fraud Takes A Bite Out Of QSRs’ Mobile Margins
August 24, 2018

Quick-service restaurants (QSRs) are pushing ahead with their digital efforts, with mobile-ahead ordering among the hottest areas for that. But that also brings more opportunity for fraud — and protecting against fraud can often become an afterthought for QSR operators. That’s the premise of a recent...

Fraud Prevention
What’s Behind The Rise Of Behavioral Biometrics?
August 15, 2018

Behavioral biometric technology is having a moment in the spotlight, thanks to new European banking rules, the rise of machine learning and artificial intelligence, and the never-ending drive to replace passwords. Recent investment and at least one major acquisition signal even brighter times ahead for...

Fraud Prevention
Banks, Merchants Turn To Behavioral Biometrics To Fight Fraud
August 14, 2018

In an effort to prevent fraud, an increasing number of banks and merchants have been monitoring visitors to their websites and apps. The New York Times, citing security officials, reported that the way a person scrolls through a website, types on a phone or keyboard...

Fraud Prevention
Why Phishers Like B2B
August 09, 2018

Businesses, get ready: The phishers are paying more attention to you. No company has ever been completely safe from criminals, whether it’s the type that steals in person or the hackers who do it digitally. But there is mounting evidence that phishers are turning more...

Fraud Prevention
Robots Are Ready: Why And How They Can Protect Online IDs
July 31, 2018

Forget those persistent images of robots with scary faces trying to crush or enslave humanity (well, at least for now). This is a story about robots protecting human beings and, in doing so, making it easier for payment and commerce businesses to acquire and service...

Fraud Prevention
As PSD2 Gets Off the Ground, Fraudsters Gear Up
July 18, 2018

Criminals are always on the hunt for new opportunity. As companies settle into a world governed by Europe’s second Payment Services Directive (PSD2), and as financial institutions (FIs) and FinTech companies explore the possibilities of faster payments and unbundled banking, attention to how to secure...

Fraud Prevention
Can Robots Fight Fraud And ID Theft?
July 17, 2018

Robots flip burgers, make cocktails, engage in the practice of law and perform an increasing number of tasks all across the global economy. What if they were able to better secure consumers as well as their online payment and ID data — which, in turn, would...